Laptop Motherboard repair Swindon
Published by Com Masters laptop repair Swindon in Laptop motherboard repair swindon · 4 June 2021
Tags: laptop, repair, reapirs, swindon, soldering, motherboard, super, io, chip, lenovo
Tags: laptop, repair, reapirs, swindon, soldering, motherboard, super, io, chip, lenovo
Had the pleasure of repairing a blown Lenovo motherboard for a customer, suffering from a failed Super IO chip, laptop was dead, would not power on with no charging lights, stripped the laptop down, found the blown chip, the one with the yellow circle showing the blow hole in the chip, 128 pins to solder on a IC smaller than a penny all soldered by hand as using a heat gun may of damaged the new chip, was a challenge but enjoyed doing it, customer was very happy as alot of computer repair companies didnt want to know
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